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Born into a traditional family with several siblings, Leah spent most of her early years in rural countryside areas exploring nature. As she grew her family would begin to travel more, many of those trips involved her father's business. These experiences and her observations of her father's business affairs, his trials and his triumphs, finally lead her to pursue a life of exploration and entrepreneurial adventure. Leah draws profound inspiration from her life's journey. Her art reflects the intricate tapestry of her experiences, shaping her into the person she is today. Central to her work is her unwavering Faith, which has sustained her and guided her through life's trials. She believes there is an eternal beauty inherent in every moment, even if at times that beauty is born out of sorrow, and aims to impart this wisdom through her paintings. Leah endeavors to minister to others, encouraging them to find strength, beauty and transformation in their struggles rather than succumbing to despair. Her canvases are not just artistic expressions but serve as vessels of hope and resilience, reminding viewers of the profound potential for growth and renewal inherent in the human experience.